Lutheran Advocacy—Minnesota
2025 Legislative Agenda
2025 Legislative Agenda
For more specific information, see the Lenten Letter Challenge and Lutheran Letter Campaign on our Campaigns & Action Alert page
Issue: Electronic Waste Collection & Recycling
Lutheran Advocacy-MN is joining other organizations to pass legislation that would…
1) Change the definition of e-waste to include any device covered that has a cord, battery, or circuit board. (This is a broad and flexible definition, which covers any device into the future, including those not yet conceived of)
â–ª Lead acid batteries (a car battery buyback program already exists, resulting in a 95% recovery rate)
â–ª Electronic Vehicles & Infrastructure (recycled by a different process and different stakeholders)
â–ª White Waste – Refrigerators, washers, dryers, etc.
2) Provide free accessible drop-off or collection of e-waste statewide for residents AND businesses
3) Require manufacturers to cover the cost of free recycling collection statewide, based on the percent of gross sales of electronics in the state. For instance, if Apple or Samsung have 35% of the electronics sales, they would pay that proportional amount for the cost of collection including disposal, shipping, up to two employees per collector, and an additional incentive per pound. This spreads the cost very broadly and is already done for other waste (like packaging). It would be managed by a non-profit under the authority of the MN Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). The MPCA will put out an RFP (Request for Proposals) to find the right group to manage the program details.
Issue: Affordable Housing
As part of the Homes for All Coalition, Lutheran Advocacy-MN continues to work for
1) $500 million for new housing production & housing rehabilitation, with direct new funding or housing bonds (which can leverage $3.00 - $4.00 of private and other funds, for each dollar designated by the state),
2) At least $50 million more funding for safe shelters and transitional housing ($400m is needed),
3) $200 million in Emergency Rental Assistance (to keep people/households from losing current housing),
4) Source of Income Protection to prevent discrimination against those using housing vouchers to secure housing,
5) Defending the gains that have been made in previous years to keep a strong foundation for affordable housing.