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Policy Council

The Policy Council of Lutheran Advocacy-Minnesota determines what policy priorities we work on during the legislative session and throughout the year. The Policy Council consists of three representatives from each of the six synods in Minnesota, including one representative from the Bishop's office, one rostered leader, and one layperson. Members of the Policy Council serve three year terms. 


Policy Council Members

Chairperson: Rev. Joy Bussert
Vice-Chairperson: Sharon Josephson
Secretary: Rev. Beth Pottratz
Treasurer: Don Schuld


Bishop's Representative

Bishop Amy Odgren (Northeastern Minnesota Synod)


Minneapolis Area Synod, ELCA
VACANT, Synod Office Representative

Rev. Kyle Hanson, Rostered Representative
VACANT, Lay Representative


Northeastern Minnesota Synod, ELCA
Deacon Susan Williams, Synod Office Representative
Rev. Beth Pottratz, Rostered Representative (Secretary)

Darrell Larsen, Lay Representative


Northwestern Minnesota Synod, ELCA
Rev. Rebel Hurd, Synod Office Representative
VACANT, Rostered Representative
Sharon Josephson, Lay Representative (Vice-Chairperson)


Saint Paul Area Synod, ELCA
Rolf Lowenberg-DeBoer, Synod Office Representative
VACANT, Rostered Representative
Don Schuld, Lay Representative (Treasurer)


Southeastern Minnesota Synod, ELCA
Kathy Chatelaine, Synod Office Representative
Rev. Joy Bussert, Rostered Representative (Chairperson)
Richard DeBeau, Lay Representative


Southwestern Minnesota Synod, ELCA
Rev. Troy Pflibsen, Synod Office Representative

Rev. John Gabrielson, Rostered Representative

VACANT, Lay Representative


At-Large Representatives 
Laura Gaitan


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